Pocket of chilly air and no wind in the canyons. Very strong wind with wind chill factor along Pine Canyon going towards Three Points. Riders who completed 90miles up to Ridge Point avoiding the descend to Quail Lake were Francis Ignacio (TdF Organizer), Pete Primavera, Ed Morente, Manny Amit, Tim Claudio, Joseph Casino and JJ Lopez. Riders who turned around at Three Points completed around 75 miles were Mandy Genato, Imre Udvardy, Pid and Jun Grape.
Kuya Ricky DNF'd at Three Points for medical reasons. He started coughing and felt very congested. Roving Sag Support by Rosalie. Thanks Francis for the PostRide Subway Sandwiches and Sodas. Some who road acclamated to the weather and some could not get warmed up during the ride along HeadWind Pine Canyon.
Rider's Lesson Learned
Imre.."Must wear Shoe Covers or Feet Warmers" His feet were freezing cold through out the whole ride.
Tim Claudio.."I couldn't get warm during the ride going towards Three Points" Need to wear face mask or Turtle Fleece, Cover all exposed skin, wear Leg warmer instead of knee warmer.
JJ Lopez.."I was tired and was not feeling the ride(not giving it all) even though it was a painful ride" He did a training long ride with team LaGrange a week before for 2 days.
Joseph Casino on his compact with 25t...He can handle this Cassette..But for most..highly recommend compact cranks 27t or 29t or triple.
Manny Amit..Broke his chain and got his windjacket caught around his cassette. Must bring extra links and try not to remove windjacket while riding and having one hand on handlebar.. Stop your bike and remove jacket.
Mandy Genato.. "Rosalie saw me not drinking much".. Must drink even if you're not thirsty and load up on food during the stops since COLD weather burn more calories. Eating and hydrating will keep you going.
Pid Grape.."I haven't ridden in 2 months" Need to train for this ride. This ride is very mentally and physically challenging.
Jun Grape "I'm going to turn back to the Park". This was his comment after Lake Elizabeth reststop. I told Jun, "You're strong, you've been riding alot. What's the point of turning back early when this is a training ride with sag to reload?".. Like I said before, you have to be Mentally prepared for this ride. Jun was so greatful that I talked him into going all the way to Three Points. He finished strong.
Ed Morente "Since I'm a runner, this ride was easy on the Lungs and Legs" Cross training besides riding a bike makes you stronger in all ways.
Pete Primavera "Had so much layers during the climb, it was too hot" Know how much to layer, and when to take off and put back on.
Rosalie "I didn't have any extra chain links for Manny" If you are sagging, make sure you have extra chain links in the car, tools for the chain link, and other bike tools that may be needed during mechanical problems..tubes, pumps, tire boot always a must.
Francis..Speechless! ! I guess that's a good thing..
PICS says it all
SEE YA all at TdF...Keep on climbing
JJ Lopez.."I was tired and was not feeling the ride(not giving it all) even though it was a painful ride" He did a training long ride with team LaGrange a week before for 2 days.
Joseph Casino on his compact with 25t...He can handle this Cassette..But for most..highly recommend compact cranks 27t or 29t or triple.
Manny Amit..Broke his chain and got his windjacket caught around his cassette. Must bring extra links and try not to remove windjacket while riding and having one hand on handlebar.. Stop your bike and remove jacket.
Mandy Genato.. "Rosalie saw me not drinking much".. Must drink even if you're not thirsty and load up on food during the stops since COLD weather burn more calories. Eating and hydrating will keep you going.
Pid Grape.."I haven't ridden in 2 months" Need to train for this ride. This ride is very mentally and physically challenging.
Jun Grape "I'm going to turn back to the Park". This was his comment after Lake Elizabeth reststop. I told Jun, "You're strong, you've been riding alot. What's the point of turning back early when this is a training ride with sag to reload?".. Like I said before, you have to be Mentally prepared for this ride. Jun was so greatful that I talked him into going all the way to Three Points. He finished strong.
Ed Morente "Since I'm a runner, this ride was easy on the Lungs and Legs" Cross training besides riding a bike makes you stronger in all ways.
Pete Primavera "Had so much layers during the climb, it was too hot" Know how much to layer, and when to take off and put back on.
Rosalie "I didn't have any extra chain links for Manny" If you are sagging, make sure you have extra chain links in the car, tools for the chain link, and other bike tools that may be needed during mechanical problems..tubes, pumps, tire boot always a must.
Francis..Speechless! ! I guess that's a good thing..
PICS says it all
SEE YA all at TdF...Keep on climbing